Atypical is a Netflix series that centers on Sam Gardner, a teen with autism who has scholastic ambitions. He also has the support of his family and friends every step of the way. Now Atypical's fourth and final season is here!

The show has been praised for its portrayal of the many shades on the autism spectrum and its LGBTIQ+ inclusivity.

In the series, fans were touched by Sam, played by Keir Gilchrist, and his support for his little sister Casey as she embarks on her same-gender attractions. 

Casey, played by Brigette Lundy-Paine, is a track star in high school who eventually comes to terms with her attraction for a female classmate, Izzie.

In 2019, Lundy-Paine came out as non-binary. They shared the news in an Instagram post, which has since been deleted.

They wrote in the post’s caption, “I’m non-binary, always felt a lil bit boy, lil bit girl, lil bit neither, using they/them as of late n it feels right.”

They added that they were afraid to come out but owed it to themselves and the people who struggled with gender. They wanted to be visible and help provide a platform for an underrepresented community.

And the actress credits their ability to come out to the series. They explained that Casey’s journey to queerness mirrored their own, and the positive response from the queer community online helped them come out. 

I think I really have Atypical to thank for really teaching me about who I am.

On Playing Gay Woman

Although the actress identifies as non-binary, they clarified that they do not identify as a gay woman. 

In an interview with the outlet, the actress revealed they had been getting many roles of gay women.

And while being excited at its prospect, they are waiting to figure out what they want and see the different [nonbinary] roles that are available. 

They added that while acting is a disguise, one needs to distance themselves from their characters, especially when many people watch the show.

They explained that doing so helps audiences see them as different people from the character they are portraying. 

As for Lundy-Paine’s love life, the Atypical star revealed they got hit on more by females once they blew on the show.

Sadly for those females, they are in a relationship right now with someone they’ve known for a really long time. 

The actress did not dish any detail but mentioned that they were with someone completely unrelated to the show.

They said they were with someone who helped them understand their identity better and taught them about love in a queer relationship.

They revealed that some days they brought masculine energy in the relationship, and other days they were femme as a little dove.

You can watch season 4 of Atypical on Netflix.
